Hazardous chemical incidents, including fires, explosions and toxic releases, occur every other day on average in the United States.
These incidents harm communities living near hazardous facilities, who are too often forced to evacuate and shelter in place in their aftermath. They have killed and injured on-site workers. And they pollute the air, water and soil, cumulatively harming our health.
Incidents are happening at chemical plants, oil and gas extraction sites, refineries, refrigerated warehouses, water treatment plants, paper mills, recycling centers, chemical distribution centers, and other facilities where hazardous chemicals are stored, and on roads and railways where hazardous chemicals are transported. Over 1100 chemical incidents have occurred since January 2021.
Our coalition is calling on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal agencies to implement strong chemical safety regulations to prevent chemical disasters. Learn More.
Chemical Incidents Near You
Click here or on the map to learn more about the over 1100 chemical incidents that have occurred in the U.S. since January 2021. Or use our database to search for incidents in your state and search all incidents by sector, location, and keyword.